Hi, I’m Montes

I’ve been making software since 2008.

(and dad jokes since 2021)

Sweating the small stuff is what I do for a living

Obsessing over every little detail isn't a particularly useful skill when ordering takeout, but it's essential for making really good software. I'm currently doing what I love at Heroku, where I build and maintain secure authentication workflows for developers around the globe.


Before that I focused my energy on high-growth startups

Between 2014-2017 I grew my skills at Peach Lunch Delivery

Where I dived deep into frontend frameworks, mentored junior developers, and made a lot of amazing friends.

From 2017-2020 I helped launch Boundless Immigration

Where I built a bespoke analytics and split-testing framework that enabled the product team to make data-driven decisions, easily test new features, and boosted growth.

… and from 2020-2021 I was the frontend architect at Healthify

Where I streamlined delivery of customer-facing features that were vital to achieving record sales and led to a successful exit.

(and before all that I paid my dues working at some amazing digital agencies in Seattle, WA)

Reach out on LinkedIn to get in touch


Aside from my job I love being outside in nature, working with my hands, serving my community, and spending time learning about the world with my daughter.

Also, I 🖤 music. Find my playlists on Spotify →

… and I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but TV has gotten really good lately.



Q: What’s the deal with your photo, it’s upside down and you look so confused?

A: It’s ART

Q: Are you familiar with [insert programming language or trendy framework here]?

A: I have the most experience using Javascript and Ruby, however, I love diving deep into new languages and have professionally built software with over a dozen programming languages and libraries. I think they all have useful features and elegant ways of solving specific types of problems.

Q: Even PHP?

A: Yes, even PHP you hipster 🙄

Q: What are your reading?

A: I’m currently reading Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, 7th Edition: Birth to Age 5 which I hope to finish in the next five or so years.

Q: Xbox or Playstation?

A: Nintendo Switch

Q: Rent or own?

A: Rent, I will never give up avocado toast.